[isf-wifidog] RSS feed encoding problem

Proulx François fproulx at lecameleon.net
Sam 30 Avr 02:24:07 EDT 2005

I've solved part of the problem with RSS feeds. First, the feed we  
generate from hotspot_status.php was a mix of UTF-8 and html  
entities. Also it seemed to have double UTF-8 conversion, which  
fucked the automatic charset detection. At least as of now the feed  
http://auth.ilesansfil.org/hotspot_status.php?format=RSS works on my  
two favorite RSS aggregator. Please test it to make sure it works on  
all platforms...

That was the was part, as for the actual display I first discovered  
that encoding conversion was done by batch, which means it would  
concatenate all RSS feeds in one big string and try to convert, which  
was an issue when different feeds had different encodings... which is  
the case now with Patrick blog in ISO-885-1 and our feed in UTF-8. I  
separated the conversion so that it does it on a feed per feed basis.

I gotta sleep... It's on the live server, but it seems the second  
feed doesn't get detected properly... will check that tomorrow.

See ya

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