[isf-wifidog] Wifidog UI and contributions

Benoit Grégoire bock at step.polymtl.ca
Mer 5 Sep 17:54:35 EDT 2007

On Wednesday 05 September 2007, Jeff Schallenberg wrote:
> On 9/5/07, Benoit Grégoire <bock at step.polymtl.ca> wrote:
> > Rework the HTML to make it more flexible (making sure not to add any MSF
> > specific strings), modify the default Stylesheet so that it still works
> > correctly with the default theme, and send in a patch.
> Geez, Benoit - I thought that's what I did :-)

Sorry, I am replying the order you sent them... ;)

> The only HTML I could find in the whole package was in the template files.
> There were no MSF-specific strings, and the base stylesheet is easy enough
> to modify to include the new <div>.
> So, I am at a loss to know where to start. Where is this HTMLyou refer to,

According to a certain Jeff Schallenberg, it's there:

-Wadih took a look at the /login/login.php file, and found that the HTML of 
the login page is hard-coded in there (line 249 et seq.)

> and what is meant by making it flexible?

In this case, allowing CSS more control over how it's displayed.
> Templates sure seem pretty 
> flexible to me - isn't that what Smarty does - keep the HTML flexible by
> breaking it down into manageable templates?

Smarty is a template engine.  It allows...templating.

The benefits AND costs are many, context-dependent and often misunderstood 
(especially in the context of CMSs).  We had long discussions about it 
before, and I'd rather not start another one at this time.
Benoit Grégoire
Technologies Coeus inc.
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