[isf-wifidog] WiFiDog without Auth Server?

Benoit Grégoire bock at step.polymtl.ca
Jeu 8 Sep 15:38:38 EDT 2005

On September 8, 2005 03:22 pm, Dan Holton wrote:
> I've been tasked with setting up free wireless access for a park across
> from my office building.
> Since it's free, I don't want users to have to log in.
> I have to quickly get it set up so that users open their browsers, are
> redirected to a landing page, and
> then can browse (port 80 and 443 only) freely.
> 1)       Can I not use an auth server, and just have WiFiDog (loaded on
> a WRT54G) serve a page (or redirect to a website) without requiring any
> kind of login?
> 4)       Is there a way for me to get any usage info (just # of users)
> with this setup?

You cannot use the client without a auth server.  However, the CVS version of 
the auth server does support what you want (not having anyone login, and 
redirecting to a custom URL instead of the node specific portal.

You still have full statistics in this mode, but based of MAC adress.

I would however wait a week or so before using the auth server from CVS, it's 
undergoing massive changes, and the install script is partially broken.

I'll let someone else answer questions 2 and 3.
Benoit Grégoire, http://benoitg.coeus.ca/
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