[isf-wifidog] Proper way to shorten the dhcp-lease time to < 5min

Benoit Grégoire bock at step.polymtl.ca
Lun 15 Jan 16:55:17 EST 2007

On Monday 15 January 2007 16:31, John Boushall wrote:
> I read about how the dhcp-lease time can be shortened to keep users from
> being logged out during a short period of inactivity.
>   How is that done?  the nvram parameter does not indicate the difference
> between hours and minutes as far as I can tell and dnsmasq does not look
> like it is configured for controlling the lease time.

It's very much dependent on your version of OpenWRT.

Note that is seems that the DHCP trick doesn't seem to work properly, and to 
coumpound matters there has been a regression in recent versions of the 
gateway.  The ping doesn't work, even for laptops without a misconfigured 
Benoit Grégoire
Technologies Coeus inc.
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