[isf-wifidog] Messaging specification

Ian White ian.white at datamile-computers.com
Mer 10 Mai 15:45:44 EDT 2006


I really like wifidog over nocat, but don't have php5 or postgres.

My requirement is for a very light auth-server to validate users, and record 
traffic in and out for the each user. To enable this, is there a messaging 
protocol document that lists the messages between wifidog and the authserver 
and what you need to code.


A) Captured access attempt.

1) Wifidog redirects user to domain:port/login/index.php

B) Ping message

Originated from wifidog via cron ... domain:port/ping/index.php

1) Indicate that wifidog is alive
2) Send usage stats to auth server
3) Received commands from auth server

Message formats to perform all of these.



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