[isf-wifidog] Problem with quote and the database

Benoit Grégoire bock at step.polymtl.ca
Mar 6 Sep 10:59:43 EDT 2005

On September 6, 2005 09:34 am, kaouete wrote:
> Hi,
> it's not the first time i have thise problem, when i enter string
> (for example if i create a content) with quotes in it, they are
> slashed into the database, and after when wifidog show them we see
> the quote.
> The same for the networks params (in the current cvs :), i have to
> quote the differents params and i need to remove the slashs by
> hand in the database because wifidog force them.
> Maybe it is a problem with magic quoting or a thing like that.
> Here magic_quotes_gpc is at On. if i change it to Off it is ok.
> Maybe you need a function that check if magic_quotes_gpc is at on
> before doing the slashing ?

GAAAH, magic quotes is evil, even the PHP folks don't recommend it.  All 
right, I'll put code to undo magic quote's effect if it's enabled, but you 
will be the ginea pig...  
Benoit Grégoire, http://benoitg.coeus.ca/
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