[isf-vol] friefunk firmware WAS Fwd: [isf-wifidog] IPs + SSIDs

Michael Lenczner mlenczner at gmail.com
Mar 17 Mai 22:16:55 EDT 2005

shit, wrong link.  try this one


On 5/17/05, Michael Lenczner <mlenczner at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) http://www.a-zone.org/mondragon/about_us.html - little suggestion
> about "spraying" google maps with open hotspots collected through gps
> netstumbler.
> 2) jo - we use openvpn on our hotspots to remotely adminster them.
> might be a space issue fitting on friefunk.
> 3) bart - anytime you can tell us about any mapping stuff you're up
> to, I'm sure people would be interested. but maybe the wsfII would be
> a better mailing list for that kind of meta-level discussion.
> http://okfn.org/wsfii/wiki/WsfiiDev
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Pascal Leclerc <isf at plec.ca>
> Date: May 17, 2005 9:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [isf-vol] friefunk firmware WAS Fwd: [isf-wifidog] IPs + SSIDs
> To: mlenczner at gmail.com, volontaires at listes.ilesansfil.org
> > Someone with some networking knowledge should really look into this.  It
> > is being suggested that we include it into our standard hotspots - in
> > case we ever want to enable it.
> Je ne veux pas être plate, mais je ne suis pas certain qu'il reste assez
> d'espace de libre pour installer ce qu'il faut pour du routage sur un
> mesh. On utilise OpenVPN pour administrer les hotpots et c'est lui qui
> utilise l'espace restant.
>    Pascal

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