Fwd: [isf-vol] friefunk firmware WAS Fwd: [isf-wifidog] IPs + SSIDs

Michael Lenczner mlenczner at gmail.com
Mar 17 Mai 22:16:21 EDT 2005

1) http://www.a-zone.org/mondragon/about_us.html - little suggestion
about "spraying" google maps with open hotspots collected through gps

2) jo - we use openvpn on our hotspots to remotely adminster them. 
might be a space issue fitting on friefunk.

3) bart - anytime you can tell us about any mapping stuff you're up
to, I'm sure people would be interested. but maybe the wsfII would be
a better mailing list for that kind of meta-level discussion.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pascal Leclerc <isf at plec.ca>
Date: May 17, 2005 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [isf-vol] friefunk firmware WAS Fwd: [isf-wifidog] IPs + SSIDs
To: mlenczner at gmail.com, volontaires at listes.ilesansfil.org

> Someone with some networking knowledge should really look into this.  It
> is being suggested that we include it into our standard hotspots - in
> case we ever want to enable it.

Je ne veux pas être plate, mais je ne suis pas certain qu'il reste assez
d'espace de libre pour installer ce qu'il faut pour du routage sur un
mesh. On utilise OpenVPN pour administrer les hotpots et c'est lui qui
utilise l'espace restant.


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