[isf-wifidog] Using REST+RDF to share node infos

Francois Proulx fproulx at lecameleon.net
Mer 11 Mai 11:53:34 EDT 2005

Mike sent a message a few days ago about a project in London. I actually met Jo Walsh at the MDCN event last friday with Mike. I talked with her about the XML namespace that she created.

I thought this might be the perfect way to exchange nodes infos with NYC Wireless and our future partners. Combining a REST protocol with RDF files would make a perfect cross-platform, cross-system interchange format.

They even use FOAF http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
And the Geo namespace : http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#

But more interstingly they created : http://xmlns.com/2003/wireless/
Which is an ontology for wireless network nodes.

Here's a example.

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