[isf-wifidog] Error when trying to delete network

Matthew Ivester mi at mxsw.com
Mar 6 Déc 13:00:01 EST 2005

Any help with this error when I try to delete a network?

Warning: pg_query() [function.pg-query]: Query failed: ERROR: update or
delete on "networks" violates foreign key constraint
"account_origin_fkey" on "users" DETAIL: Key
(network_id)=(default-network) is still referenced from table "users".
in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/wifidog/wifidog/classes/AbstractDbPostgres.php on line 287

ExecuterSqlResUnique(): ERREUR: Lors de l'exécution de la requête SQL:

DELETE FROM networks WHERE network_id='default-network'

L'erreur est:
ERROR: update or delete on "networks" violates foreign key constraint
"account_origin_fkey" on "users" DETAIL: Key
(network_id)=(default-network) is still referenced from table "users".

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