[MWUG] Community applications

Michael Lenczner michaellenczner at yahoo.ca
Dim 7 Mar 17:11:09 EST 2004

 Note: forwarded message attached. 

This ICQ application is pretty much what I've been
envisioning as a killer app for our network.

1) we setup our own jabber server

2) interface that with a database that keeps profiles
(jabber name = profile name)

3)this is the tricky part:  We have to add some
"states" to Jabber clients.  So, instead of just
having the option of saying that you are "away" "on
the phone" "buys" you can also chose "cafe Utopik" as
a state. (probably this should be done centrally (if
someone can think of a way) instead of modifying

This way someone leaving work can check a
mysql-generated page and find out that 3 people are
online at Cafe Utopik.  He may know two of them, and
check out the profile of the third person.  Away he
goes to meet his friends.

Also your IM client would automatically be able to
show you everyone online the ISF network and where
they are(instead of using webpages to find out who's
online where).

Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca
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Une pièce jointe a été nettoyée...
De: Bruce Given <bruce.given at videotron.ca>
Objet: ICQ social Network
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 10:20:36 -0500
Taille: 1133
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